Current Editions of the Chronicle

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year!

As we say good bye to 2014, take the time to recall the memories that were made and the events that helped shape where we are today. Bring in 2015 with great cheer and merriment. May 2015 find you and yours in good health. Here is to new beginnings and many great memories.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Tuesday 30 December 2014

War Declaired and Rorus Rests

Upon waking for the day the following notices were found tacked to our Village wall. It is imperative that all citizens of Sais be aware of what is occurring and remain safe within our fair Village.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Monday 29 December 2014

Calling all Contributors

With each passing day and hand we draw closer to the release of another edition of The Sais Chronicle

I listened and reviewed feedback concerning the first volume of the Chronicle and have made several changes to the layout.

Yet something is missing...

Articles, Sais' History, your thoughts, questions and concerns. Your works of art,  Caste news, events and reports. 

The next edition of the paper is due out on the 30th of January. Which gives you ample time to meet the submission deadline of the 26th.

I look forward to seeing what will be in the newspaper this time around. Remember this is your history, you write it every day. Free and slave alike.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Seasons Greetings!

I would like to take this time to wish each and every one of you a safe and joyful holiday. I do not normally say Seasons Greetings, but as we are a very diverse group of like minded individuals who celebrate different traditions, it was only fitting to choose a more suiting phrase.

Whether you are celebrating with family and friends or alone, may this be a time you recall with great fondness. Enjoy your time and we will see you soon within the village walls.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Calling all Merchants

Do you have something unique to offer the Free of Sais?

Perhaps you have the strongest steel for swords. The best leathers for belts, pouches and shoes. Or you create the most lavish of garments the Free have ever seen.

Do you create, furniture, weapons or clothing?

Do you long for more Free to purchase your items for themselves and their slaves?

The newspaper is for you to utilize. All one needs to do is provide an advert and location to your shop that will then be placed in the newspaper.

Send these items to Lady Catherine, so they can appear in the first and subsequent editions of the newspaper.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Advice Column

Do you have a question that you have always wanted to ask but was afraid of being laughed at or sounding silly?

Are you looking for advice on slave and Free Companion issues but do not wish to voice them openly for fear of what will be said?

Do you long to ask your question or seek advice while remaining anonymous?
Look no further!

You can now turn in a scroll with your question or need for advice to myself that will be answered by our new columnist.

Your questions will need to be submitted before the 15th of each month to allow our columnist time to respond.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Advice Columnist

The newspaper seeks an individual to provide advice for those seeking answers to their questions, comments or concerns.

This position calls for either a free man or woman to write responses to the questions being submitted. 

The individual can come up with the title for the advice column (ie: Ask Tarl, Ask Lady E. Post, etc...)

The individual can answer humorously,  factual or be blunt. The choice is yours.

If you are interested please come and see Lady Catherine to discuss this further. 

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Reporters Wanted!

The newspaper is in need of reporters who attend city events. 

Individuals who are interested in writing a brief article of what occurred and who attended.

Events include ~
Home Stone Swearing Ceremonies
Court cases
Free Companionship Ceremonies

A painting would also be appreciated, to aid in capturing the momentous event.

If you would like further details,  please do not hesitate to come and find me and we can discuss this posting over drinks in the Tea House.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Welcome Back Sais!

Tal Free and Greetings Salves

Welcome to the first of many scrolls pertaining to the historic preservation of our fair village. 

If it happens within Sais' walls (or while one of our citizens is traveling), you will be sure to read about it here, through The Sais Chronicle. Our fair city will have many events, incidents and Caste reports printed here for all to read and be informed of what is taking place.

With that said, I implore each and everyone of you (Free and Slave alike) to take part in sharing what happens. I ask the Free People of Sais to write articles of interest to you for the newspaper, stories, articles, comics, ponderings of free men and free women, etc... For the slaves, you can share kennel stories, murmurs or erotica. The options are endless. I also ask each Head of Caste to provide caste news so everyone can be informed on what is happening within the city (ie new buildings, disease, advancements, etc).

I urge each of you to assist me in making this the best and most memorable newspaper in all of Gor. Keep coming back for updates concerning The Sais Chronicle and see what changes I have made to improve our history.

In the mean time, put quill and ink to parchment and let the creativity flow.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine

Monday 22 December 2014

The Chronicle is Back!

After traveling for sometime, I have made my way back home to the safety of Sais. I return with a fresh outlook, a new way of thinking and a goal in mind. 

I was welcomed back last night with open arms from her citizens and I am proud to be resuming my position as the editor of the Sais Chronicle and as our fair cities Historian.

Please keep checking the notices for updates, news and for great things to come. The first edition of volume 2 will come out in January.

In the meantime I wish you all safe travels, joyous celebrations with your friends and family and may the Priest Kings bless each of you with great health.

I wish you all well,

Lady Catherine